Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jambo from Tanzania

Jambo (hello) and karibu (welcome), I'm hearing those two Swahili greetings from everyone.  The people here in Tanzania are physically beautiful.  They have dark, dark skin and pronounced features, and you can see that they also have wonderful smiles.  The first photo is of Sampson, the lead guide for our 14-person Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) group.  And the last is of Godfrey.  My friend Lisa met Godfrey several years ago when he was her porter for a Kilimanjaro trek, and they've kept in touch and remained close.  She e-mailed him that I'd be in Arusha, and he came some distance by bus to have a coke with me.  These people truly are beautiful, in body and in spirit.  And I do feel most welcome.  Now I'm ready to see some animals!  And that will happen when the safari begins tomorrow.  There won't be internet access in the tented camps, so kwaheri (goodbye) for three days or so, when we'll be at another  lodge  .  .  .

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