Monday, April 23, 2012

New Delhi: Until Next Time

'Until next time,' that's what I'm telling Sonu. And we already have an itinerary planned for my next visit to India. He and I have had the best time together, again. He introduced me to his family and his religion, and had me try chilly chicken, Kingfisher beer and cane sugar juice (he has the juice in the photo; it's mixed with lime and mint, yum!). And we talked about absolutely everything. I've learned so much about a life and a culture. I have a best friend in India, and I know we will see each other again. Meanwhile, here's a last blast of India snapshots. And I say the same to you: Until next time . . .

1 comment:

Allison Felsher said...

Glenn, your blog truly makes me feel as though I am actually there! India is now offically on my wish list! What a fantastic experience, one which I am sure you will remember for a lifetime.