Saturday, May 28, 2022

Country #2 is France

Next up after Barcelona comes France, number two of the five countries we will visit.  We docked at Marseille, the country’s oldest and second-largest city.  While the guidebook called this port town ‘gritty’, I liked its lively scene, particularly by the harbor and at the ocean beach.  And it’s scattered with interesting architecture, old and new.

Then today was Monte Carlo, where final preparations were underway for tomorrow’s annual Formula One Grand Prix auto race.  As a result, the principality is a hive of activity, in town and on the water.  From my stateroom balcony starting at breakfast time I saw sleek yachts, fast boats and helicopters.  Ashore, it was only from high above that it was possible to get a peek at the track as non-ticketed spectators.  But throughout town you heard the whine of practice cars.  And the spectators were a scene in themselves, with passes on lanyards, and sporting their logo wear.

I’ve just gotten used to merci, versus gracias, and tomorrow it will be gratsi as we continue on to Italy.  But all hail the Euro!  And I had to throw in a gelato selfie; we’re finding some ashore in every port.

1 comment:

Patti Pietschmann Travel Diva said...

Wow what great photos, feel like I am there with you, actually wish I were there with you.