Sunday, May 20, 2018

Our First Bear!

The announcement is made that our shore landing will be cancelled.  It’s because the Captain has spotted the first Polar Bear of our trip!  We all head for the bridge or bow.  And the ship slowly, quietly approaches shore, with all of us silent except for the whirring of shutters.  The focus isn’t perfect, despite my long lens, since there’s still a quarter-mile between us and the star of the show.  He really is majestic, in both is image and his movement.  And there’ something very special about sharing this kind of experience with others.  It’s all smiles: we’re in awe, almost to the point of disbelief  .  .  .

1 comment:

Patti Pietschmann Travel Diva said...

OMG what an amazing experience and photo, Glenn really does 'go 'round' on such exciting experiences.